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Spore (PC Game)

Availability: In Stock - Ships Immediately. This product is 100% GUARANTEED brand new, factory sealed and original U.S. version.

PCS ELA 15352List: $19.99
You Save: $5.00 (25%)
UPC Number: 014633153521

Product Features

Epic journey that takes you from the origin and evolution of life through the development of civilization and into outer space

Create an entire universe of creatures, plants, buildings, vehicles, and planets with flexible, intuitive creation tools

Along the way to becoming a global civilization, choose whether to hunt or forage, attack or trade, be nice or play rough

All the action takes place in a huge, lush world populated with creatures evolved by other players and shared over central servers

Fun, intuitive editors; guide creature through 6 evolutionary phases--tidepool, creature, tribal, city, civilization, and space